Saturday, December 29, 2007


The next Lok Sabha election is numerologically the most significant for the BJP.Being the 15th one,that adds up to 6,it will be highly lucky for the Party.Number 6 is the birth number of BJP.It was formed on April 6,1980.Already BJP has ruled at the centre for a period of 6 years.
The name number of BJP is 11,that adds up to 2.Interestingly it had only 2 Mps in the Lok sabha-in the first election after the formation of the was after the 11th Lok Sabha election that the BJP had first formed a government at the centre.As regards the full name-BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY-it carries name number 47,which also adds up to 2.
The year 2007 is very significant for the BJP.It was formed in 1980.After 9 years it supported the VP Singh government at the centre.In 1998-after another 9 years-it formed its own government .Again,after 9 years-in 2007-the BJP is showing the sign of getting stronger and stronger.
The year 2008 has also numerological significance for the BJP.Because,the fate number of the party is 28.Numbers 28 and 2008 are inseparably inter-connected.
The AIADMK is most likely to join hands with the BJP in the 15th Lok Sabha election.
The BJP cannot be defeated on the plank of secularism.Because,people are fully aware of the fact that secularism -in the INDIAN CONTEXT-is only meant for cheating minorities!
As regards the INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS,it cannot be strengthened as long as Sonia is the supremo.
In 1999,I had predicted that none from the Nehru family will again form a government at the centre(THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS,May 17).
So,the congress should first come out of the dynastic trap.
Occult significance of the name number:The party will get stronger and stronger when ever attempt to isolate it are done.So,any attempt to isolate the party in the name of COMMUNALISM will only boomerang.Oh secularists of all hues,please try to understand the Indian psyche!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


December 26 is numerologically fortunate for Ganguly and Kumble.May God bless the Indian team

Saturday, November 10, 2007


India’s Test Captian Anil Kumble was born on October 17,1970. Seventeen is a very fortunate number. It adds up to 8 (1+7=8).Incidentally,he was appointed as India’s Test Captian on the 8th .Hither to he has taken 566 Test wickets .Please see that 566 adds upto 8 (5+6+6=17,1+7=8)
8 is his birth number Also,it is his fate number.He is absolutely calm and composed in the face of criticism.He is very persistent.He can deal with a situation appropriately.These qualities are attributed to positive number 8

Monday, November 5, 2007


Numerologists advise to change ones name for strengthening the power of luck.The basic numerological theory in respect of this is to get a name number(occult number)that harmoniously vibrates with ones birth number.
Recently,the former Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister YEDIYURAPPA has created news by altering his name as YEDDYURAPPA.
As a numerologist,I am not against changing the name.In fact I strongly recommend the method.
But let me submit two examples for the information of the readers:
After the 13th Lok sabha election,ATAL BEHARI VAJPAYEE began to be known as ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE,Almost around that time JAYALALITHA altered her name as JAYALALITHAA.But experience shows that both of them lost power in the respective subsequent elections!That means that the Goddess of luck did not shower more blessings on them after the change in name.
Coming back to the former Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister,I would like to humbly submit that his original name is far better than the revised one politically.Because the name number of YEDIYURAPPA is 38 that adds up to 2(3+8=11,1+1=2).The name number of BJP is 11 that adds up to 2(it was after the 11th Lok Sabha election that the party first formed government at the centre).The name number of Bharatiya Janata Party is 38,as that of YEDIYURAPPA.Briefly,the name number of YEDIYURAPPA harmoniously vibrates with the name number of BJP/BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY.On the contrary,the name YEDDYURAPPA does not do so.
Senior politicians had better not to change the name.
Baby- food is the best for babies.But the grand fathers/grand mothers are not fed on baby-food!
Similarly,changing a name should be done at an earlier stage!!
So,I submit that politicians should not change their names as they change the parties!
Numerology can be put into use for strengthening ones will power.It is not useful in winning election or grabbing power.If numerology could be used for gaining power Jayalalithaa would never taste defeat!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


The tehelka is back again with a much bigger bang,this time against Narendra Modi.Who will laugh last-Tehelka or Modi?By all numerological indications,the Tehelka revealations could not have been at a much better time as far as Modi is concerned!Modi may be thanking the Tehelka.Because,the bombshell has already strengthened his posittion in his party.
When the Tehelka tapes episode hit the headlines in March 2001 and did an irreparable damage to the image of the Vajpayee government,I had predicted through THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS DAILY DATED MARCH 20,2001 that Vajpayee will have the last laugh in the Tehelka episode.
Indeed our high profile secular journalists are Modi's saviours!
As regards the upcoming gujarat election,oversmartness of the secular fundamentalists have already shown signs of contributing their mite for the return of Modi as the Chief Minister.Perhaps,they will raise Modi even to the throne of the Prime Minister of India!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Aung San Suu Kyi was born on June 19,1945.She is a very courageous leader by virtue of her birth number 1(1+9=10,1+0=1).Number 1 stands in symbolism to the planet Sun.
Her fate number is 8,derived as follows:
1+9+6+1+9+4+5=35,3+5=8.Number 8 stands in symbolism to the planet Saturn .SuuKyi's long imprisonment is attributed to her fate number 8.But it does not mean that all those who bear fate number 8 are destined to suffer long imprisonment!
Her name carries the occult number(name number)43,which is highly powerful.This is a controversial number also.The following names possess the occult number 43:
Salman Rushdie,Taslima Nasreen,Shilpa Shetty,Amitabh Bachchan etc.It is note-worthy that the year 2007 has been significant for these persons for various reasons!
Why 2007 is significant for them?
The name number 43 adds up to 7.Numbers 2 and 7 are immensely interconnected.So,the year 2007 is significant for them.
Coming back to Suu Kyi,her present age is 62,connected with her fate number 8 (6+2=8).Now see the influence of her numbers:
Her marriage was in 1972.Adding the numbers,1+9+7+2=19.Note that her birth date is 19!.She was first put under house arrest in 1989.This was at the age of 44,representing her fate number 8 (4+4=8).Also,it was after 17 years of her marriage(1+7=8)She was awarded Nobel Prize in 1991,which represents 2(1+9+9+1=20,2+0=2).
That the military Junta is giving a hint for a dialogue with Suu Kyi is attributed to the fact that 2007 is significant for her.It is significant to note that Suu Kyi met a government official on October 25(2+5=7).
Inspite of many hurdles on her path,it is reasonably hope that her dreams will be realised!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


BY 3!
Inzi bid goodbye on 12th.Number 12 adds up to 3.He was born in the month of March-the 3rd month.His date of birth was 3.In his final innings he scored just 3 runs.He is just 2 short of Miandad’s record of 8832,which adds up to 3!(8+8+3+2=21,2+1=3).
The name ‘INZAMAM-UL-HAQ’ contains 12 letters.His occult number is 39,that adds up to 12 and,subsequently,to 3.
He was born in the period known as the House of Jupiter,ruled by number 3!
He is reported to have played 120 Tests.Interestingly,this number also adds up to 3!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Now almost every body is talking about a mid-term parliamentary election.In this connection I humbly invite kind attention of the esteemed readers to an interview with me published in THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS DAILY dated November 22,2005.Please read the same:-
“Manmohan Singh will not complete full term”
Will Manmohan Singh's Ministry complete its term
at the centre or crumble under its own weight?Thisi is
the first question one might put to to a numerologist.

According to M.K.Damodaran,
a numerologist from kannur,there is MK.Damodaran's earlier
little chance that Singh will complete predictions included Bush
his full term -his fall is preordained. emerging victorious, Jayalalithaa resigning
“With added footage from identical after assuming charge
events,crucial happenings and fundamental as chief minister and Vajpayee
changes which occur within a uniform period having the last laugh in the
of time,things are going to be worse for Tehelka episode. His findings
Manmohan Singh.He will resign on the influence of number 13
and a new ministry will be formed after the 2007 on Vajpayee have been
general election,”says Damodaran widely discussed
While analysing events that occurred at
an interval of 9 years or multiples like 18,27,36, it
is possible to deduce that the most dramatic
events happened at these times.
To make his claim more convincing , he brings
in two examples. Indira Gandhi became the prime
minister in 1966.After 9 years, that is in 1975,she
declared Emergency.In 1984,she was assassinated. The
BJP was formed in 1980. A BJP supported
government came to power after 9 years under V.P Singh in
1989.In 1998, they formed a government at the centre.
Now he comes to the prophecy.
“After the 1977 general election, certain incidents
occurred in the country that reshaped the polity.

Such incidents were likely after the 2004 general
election also” claims Damodaran. Here he brings in his
numerological angle of thought.
“Between these elections is a time gap of 27 years
(2+7=9) and they show certain similarities. First
both these elections gave a rude shock to the ruling party.
Second, the government formed after the election
had the support of the CPM”.
Morarji Desai was the prime minister in 1977
Manmohan Singh became prime minister
in 2004.
These two prime ministers' names begin with the letter
'M'.Morarji was India's 5 th PM.Manmohan is India's
14th PM. Adding 1 and 4 we get number 5.The fact
is there seems to be significance to the period of 9 years..
This means that there will be an election in 2007
, the last in the series being in 1998.
M.K. Damodaran a native of Edayannur in Kannur
district is a government employee.He has been pursuing
numerology passionately for the past 13 years.
Many of his predictions and findings , which were
published in Express,have come true.
His earlier predictions included Bush emerging victorious
, Jayalalithaa resigning after assuming charge as Chief
Minister and Vajpayee having the last laugh in the Tehelka
episode .His findings on the influence of number 13
on Vajpayee have been widely discussed.


Sunday, September 30, 2007


I had earlier written that the year 2007 is very significant for Viswanathan Anand.
Anand is a a number 2 person by virtue of his birth.So,numbers 2 and 7 are very crucial for him.
His name carries 16 characters.Number 16 adds up to 7.
His occult number is 54 which adds up to 9.Briefly,by virtue of birth and name the year 2007(which represents 9)is very crucial for him.He has now became World Champion.
It was in the year 2000 that Anand first became World Champion.See,the year 2000 represents 2.Also,it is within 7 years that he wins the second World Championship.
According to reports,it was after just 20(2+0=2)moves that the players agreed to to settle for a draw that gave Anand the title.
Also,Anand has 9 points!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

On Federer

I have already posted a few blogs about ROGER FEDERER asserting that he is fuelled by his mighty birth number 8 and that his second best number is 5. He is now 26 years old.This number adds up to 8(2+6=8).He is achieving more and more.
I had predicted in my earlier blog that Federer would create history in the Wimbledon and equal the record of Bjorn Borg.
For reading my findings and predictions please search in the google:damodaran 17 numerology.Or, please type questions:
What did Damodaran predict about Federer/Prabhakaran/Bush/Hillary/Musharraf/Vajpayee/Hansie Cronje/Taslima etc(one name at a time)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

WILL WILLIAM WED KATE IN 2008? (Numerological prediction)

WILL WILLIAM WED KATE IN 2008? (Numerological prediction)
Kate Middleton was once reported to be the steady girl friend of Prince William. It is not exactly known whether they are still having the same sentiments.
Whatever it may be , it is immensely interesting to numerologically examine whether William will wed kate in the year 2008.
Why 2008?
From my extensive numerological research for 20 years I
have come to an irresitable conclusion that important or identical events are likely to take place in a period of 9 years or multiples of 9(18,27,36…………..)This is applicable to individuals/family/nation etc
For example Indira Gandhi was first elected Prime Minister of India in 1966.She declared emergency rule in 1975.She was assassinated in 1984.
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in 1948 Indira Gandhi’s assassination was after 36 years.
Fatwa issued against Salman Rushdie in 1989.The year 2007 is eventful for him (1989+18=2007)
Coming back to William, his parents were married in 1981.
So there is powerful possibility of a marriage in the family in 2008(1981+27=2008)
William and 2008
The occult number of the name William is 19 which adds up to 1(1+9=10.Further adding,1+0=1).Hence the year 2008 is significant for Prince William
Similarities between Diana and kate
The occult number (name number)of Diana is 12. Similarly,the name Kate carries the occult number 12.How the numbers are arrived at is shown below
d + i + a + n + a = 4 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 12
k + a + t + e =2 +1 + 4 + 5 =12

Prince William is most likely to get married in 2008. The numerological possibility of Kate being the princess cannot be ruled out


Charles and Camilla

Prince Charles was born in 1948. His name number is 22.
c + h + a + r + l + e + s = 3 + 5 + 1 +2 + 3 + 5 + 3 =22
1948 plus 22 gives 1970.Astonishingly,Charles first met Camilla in 1970!
1970 adds up to 17 (1+9+7+0=17) .Surprisingly 17 is the date of birth of Camilla !!
E mail - cheneppurath
P.S:-Those who are more interested can read my findings and predictions by searching in the google -- damodaran 17 numerology

WILL WILLIAM WED KATE IN 2008? (Numerological prediction)

WILL WILLIAM WED KATE IN 2008? (Numerological prediction)
Kate Middleton was once reported to be the steady girl friend of Prince William. It is not exactly known whether they are still having the same sentiments.
Whatever it may be , it is immensely interesting to numerologically examine whether William will wed kate in the year 2008.
Why 2008?
From my extensive numerological research for 20 years I
have come to an irresitable conclusion that important or identical events are likely to take place in a period of 9 years or multiples of 9(18,27,36…………..)This is applicable to individuals/family/nation etc
For example Indira Gandhi was first elected Prime Minister of India in 1966.She declared emergency rule in 1975.She was assassinated in 1984.
Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in 1948 Indira Gandhi’s assassination was after 36 years.
Fatwa issued against Salman Rushdie in 1989.The year 2007 is eventful for him (1989+18=2007)
Coming back to William, his parents were married in 1981.
So there is powerful possibility of a marriage in the family in 2008(1981+27=2008)
William and 2008
The occult number of the name William is 19 which adds up to 1(1+9=10.Further adding,1+0=1).Hence the year 2008 is significant for Prince William
Similarities between Diana and kate
The occult number (name number)of Diana is 12. Similarly,the name Kate carries the occult number 12.How the numbers are arrived at is shown below
d + i + a + n + a = 4 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 1 = 12
k + a + t + e =2 +1 + 4 + 5 =12

Prince William is most likely to get married in 2008. The numerological possibility of Kate being the princess cannot be ruled out


Charles and Camilla

Prince Charles was born in 1948. His name number is 22.
c + h + a + r + l + e + s = 3 + 5 + 1 +2 + 3 + 5 + 3 =22
1948 plus 22 gives 1970.Astonishingly,Charles first met Camilla in 1970!
1970 adds up to 17 (1+9+7+0=17) .Surprisingly 17 is the date of birth of Camilla !!
E mail - cheneppurath
P.S:-Those who are more interested can read my findings and predictions by searching in the google -- damodaran 17 numerology

Monday, April 9, 2007