Sunday, October 28, 2007


The tehelka is back again with a much bigger bang,this time against Narendra Modi.Who will laugh last-Tehelka or Modi?By all numerological indications,the Tehelka revealations could not have been at a much better time as far as Modi is concerned!Modi may be thanking the Tehelka.Because,the bombshell has already strengthened his posittion in his party.
When the Tehelka tapes episode hit the headlines in March 2001 and did an irreparable damage to the image of the Vajpayee government,I had predicted through THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS DAILY DATED MARCH 20,2001 that Vajpayee will have the last laugh in the Tehelka episode.
Indeed our high profile secular journalists are Modi's saviours!
As regards the upcoming gujarat election,oversmartness of the secular fundamentalists have already shown signs of contributing their mite for the return of Modi as the Chief Minister.Perhaps,they will raise Modi even to the throne of the Prime Minister of India!

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